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ProTeam Spa Di-Chlor

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Product Details

ProTeam Spa Di-Chlor is chlorine used in spas to sanitize the water against bacteria and other organic contaminants. The granules are stabilized and quickly dissolve in the water, ensuring instant protection and a stable level of 3-5ppm of chlorine at al times. This product should be added to the water as needed (1-2 times a week, depending on the use of the spa), keeping in mind that a 1/2 oz of ProTeam Spa Di-Chlor raises a 500 gallon spa to 5ppm of chlorine.

The ProTeam Spa Di-Chlor can also be used, within reason, with other chemical systems including the Frog @ease Smartchlor system, FROG Serene Bromine system, and FreshWater Salt System

This is the 4lb bucket of ProTeam Spa Di-Chlor.

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