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The Rise of Contrast Therapy and Why It’s the Hottest Wellness Trend of the Moment

The Rise of Contrast Therapy and Why It’s the Hottest Wellness Trend of the Moment

What is Contrast Therapy?

At a glance, Contrast Therapy involves the simple practice of combining heat exposure with cold exposure.

For example you can do this by utilizing the heat of infrared saunas or a hot tub with the cold of super chilled ice bath.

This age-old practice has grown immensely in its popularity over the last couple of years as folks begin to see the many benefits that it provides to both our bodies and minds.

Contrast therapy is a recovery/preventative practice that produces rapid changes in our bodies circulatory system, triggering increased blood circulation throughout.

This increase in blood flow is only achieved by transitioning between hot and cold environments. While one or the other is certainly great and beneficial on its own, it is the combination of the two contrasting temperatures that provides the greatest benefit.

When you submerge part or all of your body in cold water, it causes the small blood vessels (capillaries) to get smaller. A process called vasoconstriction.

Immersing yourself in a hot environment creates the opposite effect in the circulatory system, causing the blood vessels to rapidly open. A process known as vasodilation.

Alternating from hot to cold temperatures also causes fluctuations in our heart rate. Cold water immersion causes the heart rate to initially speed up, but ultimately slow down. While hot temperatures cause the heart rate to increase. A process that strengthens the heart and its ability to pump oxygen throughout the body as well as remove waste quickly.Research shows the best contrast therapy happens specifically when hot saunas are combined with cold baths.

And ALWAYS when heat is applied BEFORE cold.

Click here to read a 30-Day Cold Plunge Case Study